Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Holy Six Months Batman!

Today I'm six months pregnant. Where has time gone? I cannot believe our peanut will be here in 16 weeks. I'm getting bigger by the day and the peanut is moving more and more every day. Last night I got a pretty powerful kick that actually made me jump. I'm feeling great this week; my hormones have definitely calmed down a bit.

The husband and I are headed to Boston this weekend for a birthday getaway for him. I'm looking forward to being away for a few days, and hoping that my body cooperates with all the walking around we want to do. My mom came up over the weekend with a family member's truck and took out some of the overcrowded furniture in the baby's room. It's actually starting to look like a nursery. The crib should be here next Friday and I'm going to start working on the Alphabet Wall pretty soon, too.

The dog is still claiming the baby's room as his own. A habit that is going to be brutal to break. I'm more or less dreading that as he's become accustomed to laying on the futon when we're not home. But I also know she won't get a moment's peace if he's in there with her, his whining will be unbearable for us all. One bridge at a time though.

So far so good. We're leaping into month six with smiles.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Week 23

I don't have a fancy name for this week's post, but we're sailing smoothly along the second trimester. Physically, I would say I'm doing pretty great. The back aches are still not fun and if anything getting worse but I'm adjusting and for the most part I'm feeling wonderful. I have the energy to go and do unlike the first trimester, which is refreshing. I'm definitely eating for two now. I feel like I am constantly hungry. A fact that is starting to reflect in my appearance. I am sporting a small basketball these days.

Emotionally, well that's another story. My hormones are up and down like a giant roller coaster. Some days are great, some days are not great. Traffic can send me into tears. Commercials can send me into tears. Some days I'm beyond happy, other days I'm beyond depressed. I never know what I'm going to get in the morning.

The peanut is definitely moving more and her kicks and taps are getting stronger. The other day her kick was so strong it made me double over. Perhaps there is a soccer player in the making... although, I know nothing of soccer so maybe a really agile dancer.

All in all, we're doing great. Welcome Week 23!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Kickboxing Baby

Week 22 is here and with it this morning came a kickboxing peanut. She kicked and kicked and kicked this morning. Some days she's so active, others not so much. My doctor's appointment Monday went well. She's measuring right at 22 weeks and so far, everything is good. At my next appointment I get a script for a glucose test and red blood cell check. I was hoping the days of blood drawing was over. Alas, it's not.

Her bassinet and dresser together in the room. I can't wait to get the crib and changing table so the room starts to look like her own. I've ordered the letters for the alphabet wall and hopefully this weekend will find some inspiration to start decorating them. My dad is painting a scene from Dr. Seuss' Oh the Places You'll Go on a white bookcase that a friend gave me. I can't wait to see what it looks like.

All in all we're soaring through the 5th month. Getting more excited every day to meet the peanut!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Downward Slope

Tomorrow is week 21 and that means we're on the downward slope of pregnancy and so far it hasn't been too bad. The back aches are not fun by any means but I'm not the size of a whale yet and my hormones are mostly under control. Her kicks are getting a lot stronger and she moves quite often, especially between 4 and 5 a.m.

My dad visited this weekend and painted the peanut's room. We picked a very pale yellow to match the colors in her bedding. It looks great. Some of the furniture has been ordered so that should start arriving soon and I've started on the Alphabet Wall that will be above her crib. And by started, I mean I ordered a couple of the letters.

I have my next doctor's appointment next Monday and looking forward to another good report (fingers crossed). I know I've said this before, but I'm amazing at how quickly this pregnancy has flown by. It's hard to believe I'm 5 months pregnant. Before we know it, the peanut will be here, and we can't wait! (Well, we can, stay in there as long as you're supposed to!)