Tuesday, November 29, 2011

First Doctor Appointment

Yesterday was my first prenatal appointment. The first time a heartbeat was confirmed and a little pod showed up on a enhanced computer screen. What a day! I started off running late to my first doctor's appointment, I was extremely agitated until I drove closer to the problem. A TERRIBLE accident. A wave of guilt washed over me. I'm still hoping everyone is okay.

I rushed in to the office and took a seat only to meet with a nurse a couple minutes later. She asked a million questions, wrote a billion notes, and gave me a script to have 7 vials of blood drawn. Seriously, I've now been tested for everything under the sun. (Fingers crossed everything comes back okay).

My second appointment was with an ultrasound tech. I was required to drink 16 ounces of water an hour prior to my visit. Do you know how much water that is to a pregnant woman who can't pee for two hours? I would rather try and climb the Eiffel Tower (and I'm scared of heights). After what seemed to be an eternity, my name was called and I was able to see our peanut for the first time. An awesome feeling. I even forgot I had to pee for a moment. The heartbeat registered at 129. I, of course, immediately googled normal heart beat for a fetus at 7 weeks and I'm right in the middle. The norm is 100-160. The tech asked me to hold my breath to get the heartbeat and I started to panic for a moment. But according to some additional googling, that too is apparently normal. As much of a surprise as this baby is, I would be devastated if something were to happen.

The husband didn't get to partake in the festivities as he had a meeting he couldn't miss but we oogled over the little sac on the picture when I got home. Our parents shared the news with the rest of the family last night and even though I'm a little worried it's still too early to share the news, I'm excited it's no longer a "secret". Here's hoping for a happy, healthy July baby.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A Very Thankful Thanksgiving

The pandemonium of our news has worn off and we're settling back into our routine, sort of. I'm too tired most nights to do much more then keep the couch from shifting. I keep telling myself I'm going to get back into the gym routine but I've yet to muster up enough energy to go. Next week.

Other than the sleepiness I'm still not noticing too many changes. I've had some cramping which is apparently normal and my appetite has increased a little but nothing major. My first doctor's appointment is Monday and I'm anxious to hear what they have to say about the peanut.

The husband and I are traveling to our home town after work today to celebrate Thanksgiving with our family.We have a little extra to be thankful for this year despite the surprise of the situation. I'm very much looking forward to meeting this little person who has decided to take cover in my soon to be expanding belly.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Last week was a whirlwind of emotions. Excitement, terror, shock, fear. You name it, we experienced it. For the first couple of days, we walked around in a daze pretending that our impending arrival was still non-existent. But we decided to put our big kid pants on and at least come up with some sort of a game plan. Even if it gets changed a time or two.

So here we are at Week 2 (week 6 of pregnancy) and we're adjusting pretty well. We call our unborn child peanut and make funny jokes about how our dog is not going to be as welcoming to a new baby. He has been our "child" for the past three years, afterall. I don't really have any morning sickness and other than an appetite for spicy foods, I'm not experiencing too many other symptoms. The fatigue is still hanging around but I'm managing it much better.

We've yet to share our big news with anyone besides immediate family and a few close friends, just in case something happens. But here we are. Still alive and kicking. Taking one leap at a time.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Big Changes

I signed up for a new gmail account when I got married a couple months back and thought, this is perfect, I'll revamp my blogging. Quite the opposite happened. I fell off the sphere. However, recent changes in my life have actually brought me back to blogging.

I'll digress a bit first. My husband and I decided to tackle the task of home improvement. Our town home, which we love, could use a push toward the modern century.  Last weekend we made a list of the "stuff" we'd like to change. He thought it would be a great idea for me to blog through the trials and tribulations of the renovation process (we watch too much of the DIY channel). I agreed. That was last weekend. Prior to our "big" news.

After a week of fatigue, fatigue so intense I was in bed asleep by 9:30 twice last week I knew something wasn't quite right. And I give myself kudos for being so in tune with my body because I was right. I found out on Thursday we're expecting. This was a HUGE shock. An event that was unplanned but none the less embraced. While we're still trying to wrap our heads around the fact that we will be welcoming a new person into this world, I thought what better time to start blogging. So my new blog begins. With a huge leap forward.