Tuesday, November 29, 2011

First Doctor Appointment

Yesterday was my first prenatal appointment. The first time a heartbeat was confirmed and a little pod showed up on a enhanced computer screen. What a day! I started off running late to my first doctor's appointment, I was extremely agitated until I drove closer to the problem. A TERRIBLE accident. A wave of guilt washed over me. I'm still hoping everyone is okay.

I rushed in to the office and took a seat only to meet with a nurse a couple minutes later. She asked a million questions, wrote a billion notes, and gave me a script to have 7 vials of blood drawn. Seriously, I've now been tested for everything under the sun. (Fingers crossed everything comes back okay).

My second appointment was with an ultrasound tech. I was required to drink 16 ounces of water an hour prior to my visit. Do you know how much water that is to a pregnant woman who can't pee for two hours? I would rather try and climb the Eiffel Tower (and I'm scared of heights). After what seemed to be an eternity, my name was called and I was able to see our peanut for the first time. An awesome feeling. I even forgot I had to pee for a moment. The heartbeat registered at 129. I, of course, immediately googled normal heart beat for a fetus at 7 weeks and I'm right in the middle. The norm is 100-160. The tech asked me to hold my breath to get the heartbeat and I started to panic for a moment. But according to some additional googling, that too is apparently normal. As much of a surprise as this baby is, I would be devastated if something were to happen.

The husband didn't get to partake in the festivities as he had a meeting he couldn't miss but we oogled over the little sac on the picture when I got home. Our parents shared the news with the rest of the family last night and even though I'm a little worried it's still too early to share the news, I'm excited it's no longer a "secret". Here's hoping for a happy, healthy July baby.

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