Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Dancing Baby

My last doctor's appointment went fine, I had a small virus. Nothing too serious, thankfully. This week my belly has really started to pop. Each day I'm getting a little rounder, clothes are really starting to get snug.

The peanut's movements are starting to increase a little each day. Last night she was dancing away. For a solid hour she was flip flopping around. Her little kicks are getting stronger every day. The other night she kicked so hard my sweatshirt moved. I can't wait to see little hands and feet.

The new carpet in the peanut's room looks great. I've picked out her bedding and can't wait to start assembling the room. My dad is coming to visit and paint her room at some point, hopefully soon. My next doctor's appointment is an ultrasound on March 1st. Looking forward to seeing the peanut again.

I can't believe I'm already at Week 19. Almost half way there!

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