Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Cauliflower Week

I receive those nifty weekly emails that explain the ands, ifs, and buts of a growing baby and baby bump. This week she is the size of a cauliflower, approximately, at 2 pounds 14 inches long. What I found most interesting in this week's email was a blurb about hiccups. Since Saturday I've felt rhythmic bumps that last about 90 seconds or so. I couldn't figure out what it was, it wasn't strong enough to be a kick and it was too patterned to be any other type of movement. Alas, the peanut has the hiccups. I can only imagine what she looks like in there hiccuping away.

Monday was my glucose test and while the liquid I had to drink wasn't terrible, the nausea afterwards was. ll. The doc hasn't called yet so I'm taking that as a good sign. I would hate to have to repeat that test again, it was not pleasant.

I've been sleeping okay lately. Still getting up at least twice to use the bathroom but the in between sleeping is pretty good. My back, with the exception of a few nights, hasn't been too sore lately. This morning I was a little stiff but the hot water from the shower cured me almost instantly.

The peanut's room is almost complete. Her furniture is assembled, all we need now is some decorations. The bassinet is hanging out in her room until she arrives. Last night the husband and I hear the dog rummaging around upstairs. My husband went to investigate because like a toddler, a quiet dog means he's up to no good and low and behold, the dog is in the bottom of the bassinet. I definitely predicted that a month ago when we put it together, I was just surprised it took him that long.

I'm rocking a prominent baby bump these days. In fact, I look like I've swallowed a basketball. A moving basketball that is, as she is definitely moving more and more these days. I enjoy sitting on the couch watching my belly bounce around. What fun she must be having. Other than a couple mood swings I've been feeling pretty great.

13 more weeks until we take the biggest leap of our lives and welcome the peanut. I couldn't be more excited.

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