Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Well my blood pressure is still a wee bit high but I'm starting to think I have white coat syndrome. I check my blood pressure at home in the mornings and it's normal or near normal, as soon as I get to the doctor's it sky rockets. Luckily, they let me rest for a couple of minutes, take it again, and it's better. Still no headaches, or nausea or vomiting so I really do think it's just nerves as opposed to anything more serious.

Not too much has changed since last week. I'm feeling good, good and tired, but good. I'm getting anxious, and nervous and excited but mostly excited to see our peanut.  I copied this from another blog I follow so here goes:

How far along: 37 weeks today! 

Total weight gain: 28 lbs

Size and growth of the baby: Baby is now almost 7 pounds and is the size of a melon

Maternity clothes: That's the only thing I can fit into these days. It's getting harder and harder to find clothes that fit around my expanding belly, even my husband's shirts are getting too snug

Sleep: I am constantly changing positions, my hips hurt if I lay on one side too long

Best moment(s) of the week: Hearing her heartbeat at Monday's appointment, feeling her kick around 

Food cravings/aversions: Still on a sweet kick, in fact, I could go for an M&M cookie right now

Morning sickness: None

Symptoms: Braxton hicks occasionally 

Labor signs: I think she is pretty content for now, although, I've had some mild abdominal cramping 

Belly button in or out: It's been "out" for awhile and by out I mean it's no longer flat, it's not completely protruding yet

What I miss: Comfortable clothes

What I'm looking forward to: Meeting the peanut

What I'm not looking forward to: I'm super nervous about labor but I have to go through labor to meet the peanut so I try to not think about it too much. 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


My first weekly appointment was Monday and despite a small hiccup with my blood pressure (much higher than it normally is), everything was great. Thankfully, my blood pressure is back to normal today. The peanut's heartbeat sounded good and the doctor said nothing was happening below the belt yet. Our waiting game continues.

Her room is finally complete. All her clothes and sheets and towels and everything else she will need has been washed and put away. Her toys are in a designated basket and her grandparents are bringing up her bookcase this weekend so her books will have a home. Her car seat is in my car and her bags (one for each car) are in her room just waiting to go in their respective car.

I'm feeling pretty good. Some days are obviously better than others but for the most part I can't really complain. The back aches have gone away but I'm up pretty up every 2 hours or so using the bathroom. I get tired really easily, walking up and down steps, putting dishes away, cooking dinner. You name it and it makes me want to take a nap. As each day passes, I get more anxious and more excited to meet our peanut.
My clothes also get tighter, haha.

4 weeks to go!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


5 more weeks until the peanut makes her debut! My last shower was Saturday and her room officially looks like a Babies R Us store room. We are having an organizing party on Saturday to make some space for her, because as of now, there is no space. We're very lucky to have so many folks who care about us! My best friend from Florida flew in Thursday and it was great to spend some time with her before the shower Saturday. Her munchkins will have a new cousin soon and I think she is just as excited as we are.

The back aches have returned in full force. I seriously contemplated getting a pedicure the other day just to sit in one of the massage chairs. I haven't ruled that out yet... Sleep is still hard to come by so if she doesn't like sleep, at least I'll be prepared. I'm getting bigger and bigger by the day. My cousin, innocently enough, asked me Friday why my face was so swollen. I told my mom to take him aside and tell him that's not the most appropriate question to ask someone pushing 9 months pregnant. Thankfully the swelling comes and goes and isn't just a constant.

Another week has gone by and we're anxiously awaiting the arrival of the peanut!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


My doctor's appointment Monday went well, our peanut is in the 74th percentile and is head down.  It's just a waiting game now for her to make her grand appearance. As she continues to pack on the lb's so do I. My pregnancy weight gain is now at 28 pounds with six weeks to go. Eeks! 

Her kicks are definitely stronger and sharper these days, I spend a good portion of my night coaxing her foot away from my ribs. Sleep is elusive once again and rolling out of bed to use the bathroom every couple of hours is getting more and more difficult as I continue to get bigger. My back has started to ache again, too. (Thankfully, my husband is an expert in back rubbing) Currently, she is sitting on my nerve I have a very sharp pain radiating down my back into my butt. I've taken to eating smaller, more frequent meals. A normal size meal leaves me so full and bloated I am miserable for HOURS. 

Not too much longer and she'll be with us! For now, I'll continue to enjoy her not so little kicks.