Wednesday, June 6, 2012


My doctor's appointment Monday went well, our peanut is in the 74th percentile and is head down.  It's just a waiting game now for her to make her grand appearance. As she continues to pack on the lb's so do I. My pregnancy weight gain is now at 28 pounds with six weeks to go. Eeks! 

Her kicks are definitely stronger and sharper these days, I spend a good portion of my night coaxing her foot away from my ribs. Sleep is elusive once again and rolling out of bed to use the bathroom every couple of hours is getting more and more difficult as I continue to get bigger. My back has started to ache again, too. (Thankfully, my husband is an expert in back rubbing) Currently, she is sitting on my nerve I have a very sharp pain radiating down my back into my butt. I've taken to eating smaller, more frequent meals. A normal size meal leaves me so full and bloated I am miserable for HOURS. 

Not too much longer and she'll be with us! For now, I'll continue to enjoy her not so little kicks. 

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