Thursday, August 16, 2012

Fussy Baby

This past Sunday was the first time the peanut screamed for no reason other than she wasn't happy. She cried, we rocked her, she cried we cuddled her, she cried we put her down, she cried, and finally I put her on my bed, she found the fan and stopped crying. She was not my child last Sunday. I'm not sure who possessed her body but it was not the smiling, happy baby I'm used to.

She has fallen into our evening routine with grace and it is wonderful. She's in bed by 10pm every night without a fight. The bath on the other hand is a different story. She screamed so loud and so intensely the other night, I pulled her out before I finished. She actually made herself hoarse. Last night, she sat right there and let me bathe away. The kid is so temperamental, I wonder where she gets that from...

The doctor gave me the go ahead to go back to the gym today and I'm super pumped. Monday, I head back to the gym for the first ass kicking work out. I have 3 weeks to lose 14 pounds. Completely doable. 

Week 5 brought a lot more smiling and a lot more eating...if only she would sleep a lot more :) I shouldn't really complain though, she gets up once in the middle of the night and between 5:00-6:00 for the day, which is certainly not terrible. And will actually work out once I go back to work. We'll have to be out of the house by 7:20-:7:30.

Other than that, we're growing by leaps and bounds! We approach week 6 with excitement and anticipation of the things to come!

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