Thursday, September 27, 2012

Holy Nightmare

Sunday night the husband and I had our worst experience as parents to date. We had to call 911. The peanut woke up from a nap gasping for air and then had another episode 10 minutes later. Talk about the longest 5 minutes of my life. Kudos to the ambulance, fire truck, and police cruiser that showed up in minutes. After almost 12 hours at the hospital, every test known to man came back negative (for more serious issues) and the Peanut was diagnosed with reflux. She is now on Zantac three times a day for an indefinite period of time. The doctors are hopeful that she will not need to take it forever though. Seeing her little lips turn blue was the scariest moment of my life. Of course, now I'm checking on her several times throughout the night to make sure she's breathing. Crazy? Yes, I know. Cut me some slack, she's the first one.

Our little monster is up to 9 lbs 11 ounces. The doctors are not so happy with her weight gain, it's steady but slow so we go for another weight check in two weeks. Hopefully the reflux medicine helps her eat a little better so she can pack on the pounds they want her too.

She's still not rolling over yet, but she is starting to really track objects and can grasp a small rattle if you put it in her hand. She has the Ooh and Aah sound down and tries to imitate your lips. It's quite funny.

All and all, life is good and the peanut is doing grand.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A Letter to My Daughter

Dear A:

In 2001 a hijacked airplane crashed into the World Trade Center in New York, another bound for the Capitol crashed in Pennsylvania, killing thousands and sending the United States into a tailspin. Months of devastation followed as we, Americans, had to rebuild our nation. The world as we knew it prior to that day has never existed since. Instead, hate, distrust, and intolerance has filled many as the hijackers were from a terrorist organization in the Middle East.

As you grow up I hope to instill into you that the act of a few is not worthy of discrimination of all. That discrimination will not be tolerated in our house, not by creed, color, race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. As you grow up should you chose to fall in love and marry (or not marry) someone who is unlike you in all characteristics, I promise you that I will support you. Unless of course that person is not worthy of you. Your dad will probably say no person is worthy of you, but you get my point.

I hope to instill in you tolerance for all people and ideas. In this world you will not get along with everyone. There will be people that you will strongly dislike (I will not tolerate you to say hate in our house). But I hope we instill in you the skills and abilities to coexist with all people. Even if you don't like them or support their beliefs.

I hope to give you the confidence to stand up for what you believe in, even if those around you do not, or even worse if they do and chose not to stand up for themselves. I hope we give you the confidence to explore your ideas, chase your dreams and be open to new experiences and ideas.

I hope to give you the wisdom to make the right choices in life but should you stumble a time or two, I hope you know we will be there for you to lean on. That I love you unconditionally and though we may not agree with all of your choices, we will always support you.

I hope to teach you to give to the less fortunate. There will always be someone less fortunate than you. Count your blessings daily and when given the opportunity help someone in need. If only just a lending ear. I hope we teach you kindness. The world in which you were born is not a nice place and as you grow will probably not get nicer. There are people who are inherently evil. Be kind in action and thought. You never know whose world you might change with your kindness.

I hope to teach you to persevere. Life is not always going to be easy. There are going to be mountains to climb and some days those mountains are going to seem endless. Keep going and never get up.

I hope to teach you to believe in God and prayer. That anything is possible if you believe. That miracles do happen. That not everyone will support your faith, but be steadfast.

Most of all, I hope to teach you to love yourself, to be original, to not compromise who you are for anyone. That you can be and do anything you want to be and do. But do it as you.

I hope you know that the love I have for you today will never go away. 

Monday, September 17, 2012

Busy Week(end)

The past five days have been jam packed with activities. Thursday and Friday the peanut went to daycare for the first time. I knew I was going to be nervous but I definitely was not prepared for the wave of emotions that overcame me when I dropped her off. Monday, my first official day back at work, wasn't as bad as Thursday. I was SO thankful when my boss told me I could leave a half hour early to pick her up.

Saturday we spent preparing for her baptism and Sunday was her baptism. We had a great crowd for her baptism. She slept through the entire baptism, even with Father Ray attempting to wake her up by continuously pouring holy water on her head. Afterwards, we celebrated with food, cornhole and football. The ride back to Baltimore for St. Mary's was not so pleasant. A day of no naps and being passed from person to person left me with a very, very, unhappy two month old. I don't think I've ever heard her scream like that. Needless to say I was super excited for bed time last night. She slept from 9:30 to 4:00 this morning. Her longest stretch yet.

She's on the cusp of teething. She has turned into a little drool bucket and chews on anything near her mouth. She has started to hold onto objects that come across her path but hasn't quite figured out how to reach for anything yet.

She is growing by leaps and bounds!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Working Woman

That title could be a little deceiving....but, I am working again. My first day back was Monday and I was actually ready to come back to the world of adult conversations and being able to eat a full meal without interruption. Or I thought I was because when 2:00 hit I was ready to go home to my baby. Unfortunately, I didn't get home from work until close to 7:00pm. Thankfully she was wide awake and ready to play when I got home. I did get some pretty awesome flowers from her and the dog on my first day back. Lucky girl, I am.

Tomorrow is her first day of daycare, my mom watches her in the beginning of the week, and to say I'm nervous would be an understatement. I remind myself that most babies go to daycare and sooner than her. I was lucky enough not to come back to work until she was almost 10 weeks.

She is really starting to be able to track objects with her eyes and she smiles all of the time now. She laughs at herself in her sleep, but I've yet to be able to make her giggle. I can't wait for that. She can hold her head steady if you sit her up and she has good head control when she's on your shoulder. She loves the play mat and coos and talks to the animals that dangle. She's almost into 3 month clothes and I can finally keep socks on her little feet. She really is growing up.

She's had a bit of a cough the last few days. I'm keeping any eye on it, I'm paranoid about the whooping cough now. Particularly because last night I got an e-mail about it. Not that I think she has the whooping cough, but I'll definitely be keeping a close eye on it.

Well, wish us luck as tomorrow is our first day of daycare. Let's hope for a good day all around!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Our Peanut Is Not So Peanutty Anymore..

A had her two month appointment today and we found out our little peanut is not so peanutty anymore! She gained 3 pounds and grew 3 inches in a matter of a mere 4 weeks! She is up to a whopping 8 pounds 14 and a half ounces and 21 and a half inches long. My guess was 8.10 so I wasn't too far off.

We've had a great week, A and I. Well so far anyway. She had shots today so I'm not sure what tomorrow or Friday holds but the last several days has been wonderful. I have mixed feelings about going back to work on Monday. On one hand, I'm ready to get back into my routine and on the other hand I'm sad to be leaving her. I will  have to make the most of the time I spend with her in the evenings.

She is sleeping in one 4 hour stretch at night followed by a three hour stretch. Last night was rough, she made it through the first 4 hour stretch and then was up every half hour to 45 minutes after that. Hopefully tonight is better.

She is starting to track objects with her eyes and isn't quite so bobble heady anymore. Most of her newborn clothes have been retired and she's starting to react to toys. She is developing such a personality.

These past two months have been fantastic. I'm looking forward to the weeks ahead! With another leap forward...