Thursday, September 27, 2012

Holy Nightmare

Sunday night the husband and I had our worst experience as parents to date. We had to call 911. The peanut woke up from a nap gasping for air and then had another episode 10 minutes later. Talk about the longest 5 minutes of my life. Kudos to the ambulance, fire truck, and police cruiser that showed up in minutes. After almost 12 hours at the hospital, every test known to man came back negative (for more serious issues) and the Peanut was diagnosed with reflux. She is now on Zantac three times a day for an indefinite period of time. The doctors are hopeful that she will not need to take it forever though. Seeing her little lips turn blue was the scariest moment of my life. Of course, now I'm checking on her several times throughout the night to make sure she's breathing. Crazy? Yes, I know. Cut me some slack, she's the first one.

Our little monster is up to 9 lbs 11 ounces. The doctors are not so happy with her weight gain, it's steady but slow so we go for another weight check in two weeks. Hopefully the reflux medicine helps her eat a little better so she can pack on the pounds they want her too.

She's still not rolling over yet, but she is starting to really track objects and can grasp a small rattle if you put it in her hand. She has the Ooh and Aah sound down and tries to imitate your lips. It's quite funny.

All and all, life is good and the peanut is doing grand.

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