Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Thursday Photo Blasts

Our cute St. Patrick's Day Peanut! 
She loves her some Tucker!
Morning smiles for Mama
Practicing some standing

 What happens when Daddy is playing on his cell phone while feeding the Peanut dinner

Finger painting with dinner

What I will miss most about Baltimore (besides our friends) - the food
Celebrating 14 years together at Mama's on the Half Shell- BBQ oysters- Mmmm

Monday, March 18, 2013

The One With All The Changes

At the tender age of 19 I moved to Baltimore. I packed my bedroom on Pinto Drive and excitedly headed to the big city. I'm not even sure I looked in the rear view mirror when I left. I was sad to be leaving my mom, it was just she and I while I was growing up, after all, but I was ready for the next adventure. After 6 months of being in Baltimore, I fell in LOVE...with the City. The fast pace, being away from the small town feel, I loved it. I knew this was going to be my home away from "home". I apartment hopped my way through college until graduation. At 21, I shared my first big-kid apartment with my best friend, down the street from my other best friend and spent Friday nights drinking wine, Sunday mornings taxiing it home from whatever bar we were at Saturday night and hungover breakfasts at Panera. Life was good. No, life was great.

At 22, the husband and I moved into a house in the City with my best friend and her boyfriend. Life was changing. Our routines became more permanent and our nights out became steady but less frequent. At 23 the husband and I bought our first house. We became established in our respective careers and our friends became a second family. The husband and I have always said through good times and bad times they rally, no group of people can match our friends.

Which is why our announcement to our friends about our life changes will be bittersweet. The husband has accepted a new position...in our "home" county. We move the beginning of April. And while I cannot be more proud of this man for preserving and not settling for anything less than he's worth, it's bittersweet to me. My entire adult life thus far has been rooted in Baltimore. From a college student to a working woman to a wife to a mother. Many of  my life's amazing milestones have been established here.

I look forward to what's to come with a twinge of sadness. When we drive away from our first purchased home in a few weeks, I'm sure to have a tear in my eye while looking out the rear view mirror. I'm not saying good bye but see ya later is right around the corner. Life has a funny way of throwing everything at you at once. I wouldn't have it any other way but the last 7 1/2 years has been an amazing journey. I've grown so much since leaving my Southern Comfort Zone. I can only imagine what's in store for me now.

With an enormous leap forward, the Facini household is beginning a new journey.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

No Need for Dentures Here

Whew! What a busy weekend we had. Friday night was a relax at home kind of night but the remainder of the weekend has been packed with fun stuff.

Saturday morning we woke up, fed the Peanut breakfast and headed to help a friend of mine move. Well the husband helped her move, the Peanut and I provided a bit of cleaning, but mostly entertainment and moral support. She was the hit of the moving party. And you can see why...

Tuckered out after a long day of moving, the Peanut was fussy and tired, or so I thought. When she woke up from her nap and smiled that big, gummy smile at me I noticed a little white speck in her mouth. A tooth! You could see it was about to break through and perhaps the reason she has been fussy and not sleeping for the past week or so. If you look closely, you can see her little tooth ready to make it's entrance.

This morning, after another semi-sleepless night, I put my knuckle in her mouth to let her chew and wah-la! A sharp little bump rubbed against my finger. I expect the whole tooth to be through in the next couple of days. And this afternoon I saw the whiteness of the right bottom coming through. On top of the pain from the tooth, the Peanut has a snotty nose and watery eyes. She is just down right miserable right now. Poor baby. 

But we no longer need to worry about how much dentures will cost. Mark the calendar! Our baby has her first tooth!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Happy 8 Months

Happy 8 Months to our happy, smiley, giggly, non-sleeping Peanut! You are learning so many new things!

This month you learned to wave. Although you're still getting the when to wave part down. 

You can pick up puffs and eat them by yourself now. It gets a little messy but it's fun to watch. 

You are on the verge of crawling. You get up on all fours and rock back and forth and then flop over. You've pushed off on one leg twice now. Any day now. 

You're timid of strangers (for the first few minutes) and really prefer Mommy these days. Daddy was holding you the other night at the table but you kept fussing until Mommy took you. Then you smiled and laughed.

You are saying all kinds of new words...we just can't understand them. But we hear new consonants these days.

You love books now. You turn the pages and giggle at the characters.

You love, love, love the bath. Aunt Melissa and Uncle Dave bought you bath toys for Christmas and you love chasing them around the tub and splashing in the water. It makes Mommy giggle.

You hate to sleep. You would much rather be hanging out with Mommy at 2am than asleep in your crib. Mommy loves to hang out with you too, but she would much rather hang out when the sun comes back up.

You had another ear infection and we learned you were allergic to penicillin.

We can hardly believe you'll be a year old in just 4 short months. Where has time gone? We can't wait to see the new things you learn this month.