Saturday morning we woke up, fed the Peanut breakfast and headed to help a friend of mine move. Well the husband helped her move, the Peanut and I provided a bit of cleaning, but mostly entertainment and moral support. She was the hit of the moving party. And you can see why...
Tuckered out after a long day of moving, the Peanut was fussy and tired, or so I thought. When she woke up from her nap and smiled that big, gummy smile at me I noticed a little white speck in her mouth. A tooth! You could see it was about to break through and perhaps the reason she has been fussy and not sleeping for the past week or so. If you look closely, you can see her little tooth ready to make it's entrance.
This morning, after another semi-sleepless night, I put my knuckle in her mouth to let her chew and wah-la! A sharp little bump rubbed against my finger. I expect the whole tooth to be through in the next couple of days. And this afternoon I saw the whiteness of the right bottom coming through. On top of the pain from the tooth, the Peanut has a snotty nose and watery eyes. She is just down right miserable right now. Poor baby.
But we no longer need to worry about how much dentures will cost. Mark the calendar! Our baby has her first tooth!
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