Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Start of a New Era

Today (in just an hour or so) we go to settlement on the Baltimore house. After a lot of haggling (between the buyers and their lender), a lot of back and forth, we finally agreed on a purchase price. Onward to closing.

This past weekend my *amazing* husband and one of the best friends a gal could ask for threw me a surprise birthday party. It was a blast and I let my hair down like I hadn't in quite some time. The parking lot at WaWa probably did not appreciate my good time the next morning. Nor did my liver. Oh well, a girl only turns 27 once.

In lieu of settlement today, and because I had two work meetings scheduled yesterday and today, I spent the night in Baltimore. I chatted the night up with two of my best friends from college. A perfect night turned not-so-perfect when a storm raged through and we were powerless. Awesome. But we served a dark night and I awoke to a text from a good friend who had her new baby. We are excited to welcome new friends into the parenting ranks! I can't wait to cuddle that little baby girl! 

Hopefully now with the Baltimore house on the verge of being sold, life will calm down for a short while before picking back up again with the new house. I'm looking forward to a little down time and a little more time to write.

For now, here are some weekend pics! 

Good bye first house. It's been real!

Going to miss those stainless steel appliances
Our living room looks so big without all of the baby stuff!

The husband, peanut and I at my surprise birthday party

My parents, the peanut and I

Peanut catching some zzz's on G-dad

Monday, June 17, 2013

Short Time Out From Reality

We packed up the house and I mean that almost literally by the amount of stuff we took with us and headed to the beach this weekend. For a little sand, sun but mostly relaxation. We've had a few snags in the sale of our Baltimore house (thankfully, they seem to working out) and we were looking forward to a much needed time out. 

It was a great weekend that ended far too quickly. We had a blast watching the Peanut discover some new firsts. She wasn't thrilled about the Ocean, probably because it was freezing, but she loved the sand. 

We also, for probably the first time ever, got to celebrate Father's Day with both of our Dads in one spot. And the husband got to celebrate his first Father's Day. 

Enjoy the weekend photo dump!

Starting the weekend off in style

Not too sure about the sand yet...

She's in business now

Aunt Melissa and the Peanut

Mommy and the Peanut

We have to go home? Whaat?

Monday, June 10, 2013

11 month update and more

Holy cow! The Peanut turned 11 months last Wednesday. Every day she is looking less and less like a baby and more and more like a toddler.
At 11 months the Peanut has mastered a ton of new concepts! She is talking like a champ, doing a little better walking, sleeping phenomenally (cue the sleep strike now) and eating pretty much anything we give her. Patty cake is a favorite game of hers, along with wanting to be chased around the house as she crawls ahead full speed. 

This month the Peanut will be taking her first beach vacation. I can't wait to see how she reacts to the pool, sand, water, etc. 

Sunday the Husband and I (with the help of some great folks) moved out of the townhouse. Three cars, a 24' truck and a slew of people later, every room in our house is empty and my grandmother's basement is now full. In three weeks, the house will no longer be ours (fingers crossed). After a good cry, a glass of wine, a hot shower and a good book I'm feeling better. I'm starting to look forward to what is and not what was. Yes, I do look like Rudolph. Thank you tears. 

Below is the weekend photo explosion :)
Watching cartoons with Gdad

Tuck and Ava going for a stroll

Saturday funday

Mesmerized by daddy playing Mario 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Happy Anniversary

731 days, 104 weeks, 17,544 hours, 1,052,640 minutes and 63,158,400 seconds have passed since we said I do.

5,190 days, 741 weeks, 124,560 hours, 7,473,600 minutes and 448,416,000 seconds have passed since I fell in love with you, puppy love that bloomed into a head-over-heels, can't stop thinking about you, kind of love at a 13th birthday party.

Life hasn't been perfect with you but with you, life is perfect. It may be cliche to say you are my best friend, but you are. You're the first person I think to call with good news or the first person I want to hug when I have bad news. Your smile is contagious and your laugh makes me giggle. You are the kindest person I know and you inspire me to be a better person each and every day. Our daughter is lucky to have such a great man to look up to, to model her future spouse after. Happy anniversary babe.

I love you...forever and always. I promise.

Monday, June 3, 2013

100th Post

My 100th post! I was just thinking yesterday...or maybe it was this morning (I haven't had an entire cup of coffee yet) that I've been blogging for over a year...almost two! I started when the Peanut was, well the size of a Peanut. Literally. Or even maybe the size of a lentil. And now, here we are 20 months and 100 posts later.

I occasionally read back over my posts, to gauge where I was at in particular places in my life and how things are different. Boy, has life changed... so, so, soooo much in these past 100 posts. The ups and downs throughout have been plenty but I have grown leaps and bounds; personally and professionally.

Tomorrow will be our (the husband and I's) two year anniversary and on Wednesday the Peanut turns 11 months. 100 posts encompassed a pregnancy, our first anniversary, our first baby, the passing of my mother-in-law, changing of careers for my husband and a location move for our family. And most of that happened within the past 12 months. Whew! Time flies when your life is in a constant state of massive change :) But, I wouldn't have it any other way.

Here are a few photos from a crazy weekend- we celebrated my brother-in-law's birthday, packed up the rest of our stuff at the Baltimore house and spent some quality time with the fam.
Here's a toy
Figuring out she can splash

Tucker checking things out
About to start a game of crawl and catch
My girl, my heart, my everything