Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Start of a New Era

Today (in just an hour or so) we go to settlement on the Baltimore house. After a lot of haggling (between the buyers and their lender), a lot of back and forth, we finally agreed on a purchase price. Onward to closing.

This past weekend my *amazing* husband and one of the best friends a gal could ask for threw me a surprise birthday party. It was a blast and I let my hair down like I hadn't in quite some time. The parking lot at WaWa probably did not appreciate my good time the next morning. Nor did my liver. Oh well, a girl only turns 27 once.

In lieu of settlement today, and because I had two work meetings scheduled yesterday and today, I spent the night in Baltimore. I chatted the night up with two of my best friends from college. A perfect night turned not-so-perfect when a storm raged through and we were powerless. Awesome. But we served a dark night and I awoke to a text from a good friend who had her new baby. We are excited to welcome new friends into the parenting ranks! I can't wait to cuddle that little baby girl! 

Hopefully now with the Baltimore house on the verge of being sold, life will calm down for a short while before picking back up again with the new house. I'm looking forward to a little down time and a little more time to write.

For now, here are some weekend pics! 

Good bye first house. It's been real!

Going to miss those stainless steel appliances
Our living room looks so big without all of the baby stuff!

The husband, peanut and I at my surprise birthday party

My parents, the peanut and I

Peanut catching some zzz's on G-dad

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