Wednesday, October 30, 2013

So What Wednesday?

So what if:

The Peanut has been sleeping in bed with us- Momma needs her sleep to and if the Peanut cuddling up next to me gets me 5 straight hours of sleep, so be it. I was so sleep deprived last night I didn't care if we slept outside. So long as we were both sleeping.

The laundry is taller than me - I'll get to it. Not tonight, because it's date night! But I'll get to it. We all have clean underwear, for now. Hell, I need to clean my bathroom too, but that's on the bottom end of the to-do list as well.

I'm a ball of anxiety now -  This too shall pass. On a positive note, (not really so much positive as side effect, but I'll take it) I've lost 4 pounds. Pending clearance, pending house will do that to ya.

I ate a greasy hamburger for dinner last night - I've lost 4 lbs. It's all good :)

I'm ahead of Christmas shopping - We have so many folks we buy for that I started shopping in August. I have a little more than a handful finished. Chugging along on that front.

I'm putting my phone in my handbag tonight and enjoying a night out with my husband - I need it. We need it.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Life for us has been in limbo lately. Literally. My clearance is still pending and our house is still pending. It's been, for a lack of better words, a frustrating time for me. I've mentioned this in numerous posts but patience was never a strong suit of mine so as the days pass they feel like weeks. It's making my anxiety crazy. But, good things come to those who wait so here goes to a few peaceful days of waiting. Hmmph.

This past weekend was nice. Busy but nice. Friday evening we hung out at home followed by a crazy Saturday. Zumbini for the Peanut, lunch with the husband's grandparents and a Halloween party to top off the night. Sunday, we visited a local vineyard with friends and their peanut and then spent the night unwinding.

The Peanut isn't sleeping through the night, or at all really, and is (we think) cutting her molars. Life has been less than pleasant with her the past few weeks. I'm exhausted, she's exhausted and we're both cranky.

I need a date night with my husband more than anything in this world. Hopefully we'll make that happen this week.

As we leap forward into the next chapters of our lives I'm hoping this period of limbo passes quickly. I'm ready.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Another Mrs.

We had a spectacular long weekend celebrating the new Mr. & Mrs. We kicked Friday night off with rehearsal dinner followed by an amazing wedding on Saturday with a lazy, Sunday (fighting a hangover). Great time had by all. Enjoy the photo dump!

Congrats to the new Mr. & Mrs. We wish you many, many years of happiness. We can't wait for you to pop out some little ones! ;)

Friday, October 11, 2013

So Long, See Ya, Sayonara

15 months ago our life drastically changed. Drastically. Our daughter was born and my husband's mother passed away. All within three weeks.

In the middle of the night, with red puffy eyes and a frog in his throat, my husband looked at me and said "I don't care what we have to do, we're moving home." I nodded my head. If the tables were turned, I would want him to be supportive. He told his Dad that night we were going to move home eventually and his Dad said to him, "Don't do anything irrational right now". The wheels in my husband's head were already grinding. It took 8 months but my husband found a job in St. Mary's and we packed up our tiny townhouse, with the help of many family and friends, and headed South.

I transitioned from the Baltimore office to the DC office, I was lucky that my bosses were flexible enough for me to continue my job in a different location. So while everything around me was changing, I still had the consistency of my job. The commute wasn't terrible when I started riding the bus, I got an hour and a half of free time in the afternoon. The commute wasn't terrible, but the time away from home was. The Peanut was ready for a bath and bed shortly after I got home in the evenings. The time she spent with my mom and husband tripled the time she spent with me at a week's end and it was KILLING me. The first time she reached for my mom instead of me when she was upset I literally almost cried.

So, when I got the opportunity for a job closer to home, one that would allow us to eat dinner as a family, one that would allow me a day off every other week, I couldn't turn it down. I am thrilled to be able to make myself more available to my girl and my family. She's only little once. The other part of me; however, is SO, SO sad.

I'm closing the door, completely, on my Baltimore life. And that makes me sad. I'm saying sayonara to a job I've been great at, a job where I make a tangible difference in other people's lives. I'm saying so long to a group of people who threw me a bridal shower and then 13 months later threw me a baby shower. I'm saying see ya to happy hours with folks that lasted way longer than they should have. I'm saying good bye to a group of people who have been my second family for 6 years, who watched me transition from a 21 year old, reckless intern to a 27 year old mother. People who have acted as second mothers and mentors but most of all friends.

Life is strange and crazy. I've returned back to a place I thought I'd never live again and honestly, I don't hate it. I'm leaving a job I never thought I'd quit. Ever. And I don't love it.  I am; however, excited for my next endeavor. I start my new gig next Wednesday, pending everything checks out okay (fingers crossed). Today I'm in DC, wrapping up the little bit of stuff I have here and Tuesday I wrap up my last day ever in Baltimore.

Ahhh... life is a beautiful mess.