Wednesday, October 30, 2013

So What Wednesday?

So what if:

The Peanut has been sleeping in bed with us- Momma needs her sleep to and if the Peanut cuddling up next to me gets me 5 straight hours of sleep, so be it. I was so sleep deprived last night I didn't care if we slept outside. So long as we were both sleeping.

The laundry is taller than me - I'll get to it. Not tonight, because it's date night! But I'll get to it. We all have clean underwear, for now. Hell, I need to clean my bathroom too, but that's on the bottom end of the to-do list as well.

I'm a ball of anxiety now -  This too shall pass. On a positive note, (not really so much positive as side effect, but I'll take it) I've lost 4 pounds. Pending clearance, pending house will do that to ya.

I ate a greasy hamburger for dinner last night - I've lost 4 lbs. It's all good :)

I'm ahead of Christmas shopping - We have so many folks we buy for that I started shopping in August. I have a little more than a handful finished. Chugging along on that front.

I'm putting my phone in my handbag tonight and enjoying a night out with my husband - I need it. We need it.

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