Sunday, December 15, 2013

Weekends Fly By

The Facini's had one of the busiest weekends we've had in awhile. Friday night we took a trip to Ann Marie Gardens to check out the Christmas light display. It was worth every penny of our admission fee. If you're ever in the Southern Maryland area around Christmas time, I highly, highly recommend it. We spent the rest of Friday night cleaning and getting the house ready for our weekend guests.

Saturday, after the Peanut's last Zumbini class (we're so sad it's over but can't wait for it to start back up again! She loves it and so do I actually!) our friends from Baltimore came to visit for the night. We had a nice dinner out and they hung out with our Peanut for a bit so the husband and I could stop by my work Christmas party. After making an appearance, we came back to kill our livers for the night. I could elaborate on that but I'll plead the fifth. The empty whiskey/wine bottles can do the talking if they want... Sunday, today, was cookie making day. My mom, the Peanut and myself spent the day baking cookies and making a mess. We're experts at both after today! After all the cookie making, we took a time out to go out to dinner and then visit another light display. Such fun memories we're making with the Peanut.

And now we're prepping for tonight...if you've been reading my blog for awhile you might see a common theme-- my kid hates to sleep. HATES to sleep. My mom swears it's payback from when I was a baby. Apparently, discriminating against sleep is genetic. In fact, as I type this my child is in her crib screaming. After two months of letting her sleep in our bed and still not getting a good night's sleep, we're trying a new tactic. Per my husband. I still don't know if I have the will power to do it. Yep, you know exactly where I'm headed with this-- the cry it out method. I'm fine letting her initially cry herself to sleep, but in the middle of the night when she wakes up, half disoriented from being partially awake and cries out for us I'm not so sure I'm made for letting her cry it out. We'll see... I'm going to try my best.

As I finished typing the above paragraph, the screaming stopped. I better to head to bed now...I feel like it's going to be a long night. Enjoy a couple pictures I remember to take this weekend. I've been pretty terrible at that.

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