Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Our little peanut isn't so little! At my sonogram appointment on Friday, the tech told us she weighs a whopping 4 pounds 9 ounces already. We still have 7 weeks to go and she has approximately 4 more pounds to gain. I was hoping for a 6 pounder! But, it was reassuring to know she is growing and growing well. My in-laws are certain she will have "their" nose. (I know I'm bias but she does have an extremely cute nose). In a short amount of time we will no longer be guessing who she looks like.

We had two baby showers this weekend and came home with a brand new wardrobe for the peanut, along with some other generous gifts. Her crib is piled high with the clothes that need to be washed but with another shower to go, I figured I'd wait and do it all at once. The dog is perplexed at all of the new items in "his" room and he even tried to claim a small pink bear as his. Thankfully, it was retrieved without much harm.

My belly is certainly getting bigger and she has been pretty active the last two days, not that she isn't always active but particularly active these last two. You can tell she is running out of room in there. Her little nudges and pokes are quite sharp. The Braxton Hicks contractions, while not excruciating, are happening more frequently and after a couple are quiet uncomfortable. But, I know they are nothing compared to the real deal.

7 short weeks away...

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


My doctor's appointment on Monday went well, put on 3lbs and the Peanut's heartbeat was good. I have an ultrasound appointment on Friday to see what position she is in, etc. I can't wait to see how big she has grown as we haven't seen her since our 20 week appointment.

I'm not feeling the greatest today. I'm uncomfortable and tired and just all around not feeling the best. I slept great last night so I can't blame it on a sleepless night but I am ready to head home from work and lay down for awhile. Besides today, I've been feeling pretty good. I had a burst of energy on Monday and did a ton of much needed housework. Perhaps the nesting has started already...

I have a baby shower Friday from the folks at work and my mother-in-law and sister-in-law are hosting one on Sunday. We're sure to be loaded with a ton of cute baby stuff after this weekend.

We're headed into the home stretch with 8 weeks to go. Here's to hoping that the next 8 fly by... I'm ready to meet her!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Week 30 has passed us and we're on to Week 31 which means we have 9 weeks to go. With three baby showers pending, we are gearing up for the Peanut's arrival. My ever expanding belly is well, ever expanding. Sleep has been hit or miss, some nights it's great, some nights...not so much.

I've had what I think are Braxton Hicks contractions a couple times but thankfully they don't last long. Last night I had a couple of pretty strong ones but within a half hour or so they were gone. Before my last appointment, I was checked out at Labor and Delivery to make sure I wasn't leaking amniotic fluid and found out that I was having a few contractions. Since they were minor (painless and not lasting more than 40 seconds), the Doctor sent me home. The ones last night were definitely stronger than the ones a couple of weeks ago, but they were fleeting.

Yesterday the baby moved pretty much all day, little nudges here, little kicks there. She must of have worn herself out because I've only felt a few here or there today.

I'm very much looking forward to meeting the (hopefully) healthy, happy peanut that has been hibernating for the past 7 and 1/2 months!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Holy crap, we only have 10 weeks to go! I've started the bi-weekly appointments as of this past Monday (everything was peachy and her heartbeat was good) and will be getting a glimpse of the peanut again in two weeks when I go for an ultrasound, presumably to see what position she is in. Currently, her feet (or hands) are pressing against my ribs making it very uncomfortable for me to breathe. I gained 4 lbs last month which compared to the 6 gained the month before, I was pretty happy. She also told me I passed my glucose test with flying colors. I assumed that as I didn't get a call for the three hour test. Thank you God!

I'm tired all of the time again--granted I knew that would return and I have the patience of well, a newborn. My poor husband. My boss was nice enough to let me come in a little later this morning but I could still go home and go right back to sleep. Or my version of sleeping these days, which is an hour or two here, hour or two there.

To elaborate on last week's post, my primary care doctor advised that the tick bite was more than likely a deer tick but that testing for Lyme's wasn't necessary because it's difficult to get an accurate screening. I was a bit bummed. Not that I like having my blood drawn, but a negative test would have done wonders for my nerves. Regardless, I didn't develop a gross rash or come down with a fever of any kind so fingers crossed it was a tick bite that didn't (doesn't) evolve into Lyme's Disease.

So far so good with only 10 weeks to go!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Horrible Indigestion

Well I'm certainly getting an idea of what my lack of sleep is going to be like in the next few weeks. I woke up at 11:30 last night with TERRIBLE indigestion. Then again at 12:45, and again a little after 1:00. At 2:00 I broke down and took a Pepcid. I couldn't help it. It was either that or I was going to spend the remainder of my night watching 90s on Nick. I slept pretty well from 2:00-5:00 and was up again at 6:45. Although, I didn't get out of bed until after 7. I woke the whole house up, unintentionally. The alarm would've woken my husband up anyway had I not told him I was going downstairs. This morning was ROUGH. Even the dog didn't want to get out of bed.

The back aches have gotten better especially since I've started sleeping with the body pillow and for a couple of days this past week I slept REALLY well. At least 4 consecutive hours, which I was very happy with.

Sunday was an interesting day. I was taking a bath, shaving my legs, and came across a raised bump that looked similar to a scab. I realized after looking at it closer that it was a tick. I immediately panicked and called the on-call doctor who advised me to follow up with my primary care. I started sobbing. 11 weeks to go and now I have to worry about this?! Thankfully, the site where the tick was attached looks great and there was no bulls eye rash or any other accompanying symptoms of Lyme's disease, which I was of course convinced I had.

On an unrelated tick note, I've debated calling the doctor the last few days as her movement has really slowed down, but I'm wondering if she's just getting bigger and unable to move around as easily as before. I don't want to just call the doctor to call the doctor so I've been weighing my options for the last few days. I might just wait until my Monday appointment to bring it up. I'm sure she thinks I'm already crazy.

What a crazy past week. But only 11 weeks to go!