Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Holy crap, we only have 10 weeks to go! I've started the bi-weekly appointments as of this past Monday (everything was peachy and her heartbeat was good) and will be getting a glimpse of the peanut again in two weeks when I go for an ultrasound, presumably to see what position she is in. Currently, her feet (or hands) are pressing against my ribs making it very uncomfortable for me to breathe. I gained 4 lbs last month which compared to the 6 gained the month before, I was pretty happy. She also told me I passed my glucose test with flying colors. I assumed that as I didn't get a call for the three hour test. Thank you God!

I'm tired all of the time again--granted I knew that would return and I have the patience of well, a newborn. My poor husband. My boss was nice enough to let me come in a little later this morning but I could still go home and go right back to sleep. Or my version of sleeping these days, which is an hour or two here, hour or two there.

To elaborate on last week's post, my primary care doctor advised that the tick bite was more than likely a deer tick but that testing for Lyme's wasn't necessary because it's difficult to get an accurate screening. I was a bit bummed. Not that I like having my blood drawn, but a negative test would have done wonders for my nerves. Regardless, I didn't develop a gross rash or come down with a fever of any kind so fingers crossed it was a tick bite that didn't (doesn't) evolve into Lyme's Disease.

So far so good with only 10 weeks to go!

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