Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Week 30 has passed us and we're on to Week 31 which means we have 9 weeks to go. With three baby showers pending, we are gearing up for the Peanut's arrival. My ever expanding belly is well, ever expanding. Sleep has been hit or miss, some nights it's great, some nights...not so much.

I've had what I think are Braxton Hicks contractions a couple times but thankfully they don't last long. Last night I had a couple of pretty strong ones but within a half hour or so they were gone. Before my last appointment, I was checked out at Labor and Delivery to make sure I wasn't leaking amniotic fluid and found out that I was having a few contractions. Since they were minor (painless and not lasting more than 40 seconds), the Doctor sent me home. The ones last night were definitely stronger than the ones a couple of weeks ago, but they were fleeting.

Yesterday the baby moved pretty much all day, little nudges here, little kicks there. She must of have worn herself out because I've only felt a few here or there today.

I'm very much looking forward to meeting the (hopefully) healthy, happy peanut that has been hibernating for the past 7 and 1/2 months!

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