The sun started to set and I decided to brave the 90 degree weather to show the boys how the game was played. After two games (one win, one loss), I couldn't take the bending or the heat any longer. I came inside, propped my feet up and took in some television. Exhausted, I decided to skip fireworks. Around 11, I went to bed anticipating a day of cleaning ahead. America's birth wore me out so I just threw the dishes and platters in the sink.
I woke up at 2am with contractions that I assumed were Braxton Hicks. Our room was miserably hot and my bladder was miserably full. I laid back in bed but the contractions kept coming, about 5 minutes apart and strong. Stronger than any contraction I previously experienced. I called the doctor and she said to wait two hours before going to the hospital. I talked with my mom through the first hour and a half and then the contractions started coming closer together, and much, much stronger. To the hospital we went.
At 4am I was checked by the midwife and was about 3 centimeters dilated. It was game time. I was admitted and taken to a real room. After they hooked me up to an IV, my doctor wanted me to walk laps around the hospital to help speed up the process. Apparently first labors can last a VERY long time. Except, my first labor was an exception. One lap and 5 minutes later and my water broke.
Fast forward to stronger contractions and an epidural (thank you Jesus!) and I was 7 centimeters at 8:30. 5 hours and 5 pushes later and a beautiful peanut was born. Weighing in at 6 lbs, 1 ounce and 18 and a half inches long, Ava Madeline was born with a full head of dark brown hair at 1:12pm on July 5th. She has her daddy's eyes and toes and her momma's nose and cheeks.
Fun facts from my labor and delivery:
The nursing staff and my doctor were fabulous
The epidural made it so I was no longer a bear-- it was not pretty for awhile
Should my husband bring a chocolate donut into the delivery room if we decide to have another baby, I will kill him
An orange Popsicle is not a substitute for said chocolate donut
A sarcastic nurse is a fun nurse
The labor ball was not my friend
The epidural was my friend
The epidural was my friend
My doctor was right, there would be no question when my water broke, I shouldn't have doubted her
Labor was not terrible and I'm very thankful it was only 11 hours
I couldn't have done it without the support from my husband and mom
I couldn't have done it without the support from my husband and mom
I'm smitten with my peanut
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