Thursday, July 19, 2012

Two Week Birthday

We had our two week check up today and the peanut has packed on the lb's, or in her case, the oz's. She gained almost 11 ounces and is now a whopping 5 lbs 15.5 ounces. We go back next Friday for a weight check just to see if she is up to her birth weight of 6lbs 1 ounce. She hasn't grown any in length since birth but we're chugging right along. The doc said her heart sounded great and her lungs, well they worked well today too!

He okayed us for a full bath since her cord has fallen off and I'm super excited to see how she likes the bath. He also okayed us for a little lotion considering her skin looks like it's peeling off. Poor kid got my dry skin.

The last few days have been good. Good and exhausting. Last night she decided we didn't need to sleep, we were up and down from midnight to 6:30am. My mom took her at 6:30 for me and I got an hour and a half. That doesn't sound like a lot but when you've gotten a total of 45 minutes over six hours, an hour and a half is glorious! Tonight, she will NOT be taking a nap at 9:30. I don't care if I have to strip her down to her diaper, she will stay awake until at least 10:30.

The husband has volunteered for baby duty tonight, he is going to see the new Batman and figures he'll just stay up. I'm looking forward to a couple hours of uninterrupted sleep.

We start tummy time tonight, fingers crossed she doesn't hate it!

Until the next post, we're leaping forward to another day!

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