Thursday, October 4, 2012

Roly Poly

Today is definitely a multiple cup of coffee day. The Peanut decided last night was not for sleeping. Daddy walked with her, I walked with her, and she was just not having it. Hopefully tonight is a better night. I'd like our happy, go lucky baby back.

Saturday she rolled over for the first time. What a cool milestone to be able to see for the first time. She tried for a week or more before she was finally able to get her hand out of the way and get all the way onto her belly. Of course, she was not a happy camper once she was there. She rolled over twice on Saturday but she hasn't rolled since. We had friends up and one of my good friends was able to video it for me since my phone locked up right at the moment she was about to go. The husband was at a baseball game so he wasn't able to partake in the fun.

The peanut is certainly getting comfortable with her voice, and I mean that in a good way. She coos and talks to us all of the time now. The other night she was in bed and talking to the picture on the wall. She's taking after Mom already.

Her medicine seems to be helping with the reflux and we've elevated her crib mattress to let her sleep easier at night (not that she slept last night but...). I can certainly tell when her meds are wearing off. We have a weight check appointment on Monday and I plan on mentioning it to her Doctor.

Tomorrow she turns the big 3 months old. She's already lost her newborn cry and has a much more distinct, louder wail. Here's to another leap forward. Our newborn will officially be an infant!

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