Friday, December 28, 2012

On to a New Year

Christmas 2012 was a success. We ate, we drank, and we were mostly merry. We handled our first Christmas without my mother-in-law with grace, just as she would have wanted. A tear or two may have been shed but we carried on and while no Christmas will ever be the same, we are moving toward a new sense of normal.

With an immediate family of over 30, I was nervous how the Peanut would do with the noise at my grandma's on Christmas Eve. But in true family style, she rolled with the punches and of course, everyone enjoyed seeing her. She received a new wardrobe for Christmas and after 3 loads of laundry, it's almost all washed and put away. We asked our family and friends to hold the toys, and while they did restrain, we got enough where we needed to buy a pseudo toy box for her. And by pseudo, I mean I ordered this one from Amazon. The husband checked a few things off my wish list and I think I surprised him with a few gifts of his own. Our family spoiled us as usual. 

 The week before Christmas, the Peanut decided that she would start to roll, and not just from belly to back but back to belly and all around. Now she wiggles and scoots and rolls all over the place. I'm going to have to invest in a rug pretty soon because she no longer stays on her play blanket. Bedtime has been a challenge since she has started to roll because as soon as I put her in her crib, she flips to her belly. Which would be fine, if she didn't bury her face in her sheet. So needless to say, it's a constant game of rolling her back over until she figures out she can turn her head to the side. She's getting great at sitting up.

2012 was an emotional year, a lot of ups and downs along the way. In February we found out we were having a girl, we both turned 26 and took a mini vaca to Boston in March, in June we celebrated our first wedding anniversary and watched two good friends get married, and in July our daughter was born and my mother-in-law suddenly passed away.  In August we shared a moment with two of our best friends when they got in engaged and I went back to work in September. We saw an Oriole's playoff game and another set of two great friends get married in October and the Peanut experienced her first Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Next week the Peanut turns 6 months old. Here we go, leaping into a New Year! I have big plans for 2013 and I hope 2013 has big plans for me.

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