Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2013 Resolutions

I started 2012 off 3 months pregnant so my resolution was to sleep as much as possible to prepare for the sleep I wouldn't be getting when our daughter made her way into this world. I'm sure I had a few others but I can't remember them now, I'll blame it on mommy brain.

This year I'm making solid commitments, not necessarily resolutions for a better quality of life, not just for me but for my family as well.

2013 will be the year of appreciation. To appreciate the quiet moments at home, to appreciate my husband for being not only my best friend but a great father, to say thank you often when he cooks dinner picks up dinner, does the grocery shopping, or empties the dishwasher. All of the little things that we often forget to say thank you for because, well they need to be done anyway. Appreciation for the things our family does for us that often go unnoticed. Without their help, we'd be lost some days. Appreciation for my friends, the new, the old, the ones that are always there when I need a good laugh or a good cry. My husband is going to be more appreciative, too.

I'm going to stop over extending myself. I'm a yes person. I say yes to everything. My schedule literally looks like a tetris puzzle some days. I'm going to force myself to say no to things once in awhile. I'm going to enjoy the things I do instead of worrying when I'm getting to the next place I have to be. Living in the moment I think that's called.

Read 100 books. I'll give my husband kudos for this, he suggested it and I know I can do it.

Lose 10 pounds. Just 10 and in a year's time I think is totally doable and I'll be able to keep it off. I'm in 2 upcoming weddings so that should be motivation enough.

Spend more time with my husband, and just my husband. And if this means sacrificing time with our friends (sorry, friends) then so be it. Our weekly date night turned into a weekly going out night which usually means we're going to whatever we were invited to that week. We sacrifice us time for we time. While we LOVE our friends a lot, we're stuck with each other for life so we better like one another a lot more. I don't mean our friends are going on the back burner by any means, but this goes back to say no a little more.

I think that's it. I may add as I go along but that's a pretty good start.

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