Monday, October 22, 2012

Just Another Manic Monday

Mondays are even harder now that the Peanut is here and I have to wait 8 dreaded hours to go home and see her. Today will be even longer, I'm won't be home until 8:30 or so tonight. But, I spent an extra day at home with her last week, a stomach bug hit the girl. I won't go into the gory details because they are, well, gory. But she seems to be on the mend. Despite the stomach pain, she's been in a relatively good mood.

We bought a bumbo on Friday and she sits in it like a champ. She's rolling over a bit more and starting to use her hands to grab things- my necklace, my sweatshirt strings, the zipper on my jacket. Anything but her toys. We're working on it though. She's back to getting up at 2 and 5 but that may be partially because her intake has been limited due to the stomach bug. She talks and talks and talks these days. I told her the other day, I can't wait to know what we're talking about.

When we were at the doctors for her reflux follow up, she laughed like I've never heard her laugh before and I was so in shock of the laughing I didn't get it on camera. However, this past weekend she laughed at my mom like she did at me the day at the doctors. This time, I videoed it! (I'll upload it as soon as I get to a computer that will allow me to.)

We go back to the doctor's in two weeks for her 4 month check up and she'll start eating food. I can't wait to see her reaction. I'll be sure to have the camera ready.

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