Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Happy 10 Months Peanut

Our Peanut is just two months shy of her first birthday! In the thick of birthday planning, I forgot to the 10 months post. Thankfully my husband reminded me.

This month our little crawler hasn't sat still. If she's awake, she's on the move. 
She is starting to pull up, especially on things she shouldn't.
She's shown us that she knows what she likes and what she doesn't. And when she doesn't like something, watch out! 
She is doing a little better at eating textured foods. She seems to really enjoy chicken, pasta is hit or miss, lunch meat, bread, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green beans and macaroni and cheese all seem to be okay. She doesn't love it but she'll eat a few bites.
She's very verbal and is starting to understand words. When she hears a dog bark she asks "tuck, tuck?" meaning our dog Tucker. It's adorable. 
She loves the outside! 
She can clap and thinks every one should too, especially if she pulls up or plays "so big". Along with that, she plays patty cake by herself now.
She absolutely, without a doubt, loves Chicka from Sprout. 
Happy 10 Months Peanut! We can't wait to see what fun things you do next!!

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