Tuesday, May 21, 2013

I'm Over Selling Our House

The home inspection addendum came back and while it isn't terrifying there is a potential costly fix on there. A friend of ours is a licensed contractor and I am crossing my fingers he can fix it! I should know more on Saturday what the damage will be. In addition to that worry, now we have to make sure the house appraises for what we've asked. I didn't realize that was an issue until I just spoke with our Realtor...  Thank you short sales and foreclosures in our area...

However, despite the hiccup in our plans, I am grateful to be safe and still have a home. The pictures I've seen from the aftermath of the Oklahoma tornadoes is so, so sad.

Annnnd, here are some pictures from the weekend.

Peanut's first baseball game

The little rascal slept in until 9:30 Sunday morning... I however was up  at 8am

First haircut! 

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I hope the hiccups will be settled soon so you'll finally be over with selling your house. Where do you plan to live after this, anyway? I hope you'll be able to find a great home with pleasant environment to raise your family! =)
    → Kathleen @ HomeLawyer.ca
