Thursday, July 11, 2013

Happy Birthday Peanut!

Last Friday our Peanut turned a year old. I’m not sure where the time went this past year, but I hope the coming years crawl. We threw her a Dr. Seuss themed birthday party on Sunday and friends and family traveled to celebrate this huge milestone. While she wasn’t a fan of smashing the cake, she did enjoy the gifts. We came home with a bunch of great loot and it’s been really fun watching her play with her new toys. I know she probably won’t remember the party but it awesome and I’m really happy with the way everything turned out. Even if it caused quite a bit of stress in the days leading up to it.

One of her new favorite toys is this Disney Train. She loves the Disney characters and she drives the train around in circles in our living room. She’s really into musical toys right now so the fact that the train moves AND it sings is a HUGE bonus to her. We also received 4…yep, count em, 1…2…3…4 of the leapfrog picnic basket which she absolutely loves right now too. She pretends to drink from the cups and loves that the basket sings to her.


In between her birthday and her birthday party, a good friend of ours who owns LuluEdwardPhotography took some first birthday/family photos. As always, they turned out amazing. Maybe even better than I expected given that the Peanut had not taken a nap that morning and was in meltdown mode by the end of our session.

We visited the pedi for her year old check up on Tuesday. She is still a Peanut. 17.15lbs and 28 ¼ inches long. The doctor said she is on track and looked beautiful (of course she did, she’s ours isn’t she).. The shot portion of our visit was as bad, if not worse, than I expected. I basically had to put her in a wrestling hold for the tech to get the blood from her finger. It was not an occasion either of us wants to relive. We are in the process of phasing out the bottle and baby food. She’s doing great eating fruits and chowed down on some chicken nuggets after her appointment. We’re working on veggies, among other things. She is still texture sensitive so we’re moving slowly.

She’s up and cruising around furniture now. While I initially had some reservations about her lack of wanting to walk, I am now preparing myself for the fact that I’m going to have walker any day now. She has no qualms about pulling herself up on a toy or piece of furniture and going where she wants to go. Her sleep patterns have returned to being sporadic. Some nights she sleeps great and other nights… well, let’s just say I’m not ready for another newborn yet. I’m still very familiar with how sleep deprived one can get.

All in all, life is pretty good right now. Our Peanut is happy, healthy and thriving. I couldn’t ask for much more. 

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