Monday, July 22, 2013


Whew... What a weekend. I spent part of the weekend on the couch recovering from a nasty virus I picked up. Couple that with a teething one year old and you spell misery. The last week with our Peanut has not been a fun one. She is cutting a handful of teeth...all at the same time. She is miserable, I am miserable, my husband is miserable. The only non-miserable living thing in our house right now is the dog. And I think even he got tired of the screaming and crying last night because he dropped one of his toys on her as to say "Okay, kid, enough. This should shut you up". Spoiler alert; it didn't work.

She spent the majority of the weekend screaming, snot streaming down her face. And yes, her face is almost purple in that picture because she was holding her breath. This particular tantrum was inspired when I tried to take her church dress off and put on more comfy clothes. What a mean Momma I am.


We did get a slight reprieve from the screaming and crying to enjoy a friend's housewarming/birthday party Saturday during the day. She was actually in a very good mood. A change in scenery and other playmates around helped with this, I think. We (as in the whole fam) enjoyed the party. I was hoping after a day out and some water play, the Peanut would be tuckered out but after a 20 minute nap in the car, she was ready to play again when we got home at 8pm. I; however, was not so ready. I was still not feeling up to par with the cold and I was exhausted from being gone all day. Alas, we played for another three hours and she finally conked out around 11pm. 

Sunday, would have been my mother-in-law's 55th birthday. We attended a mass in her name and went to dinner with some family after at a restaurant she enjoyed. It's still odd, her being gone. I often think about what she would think about our parenting styles, life choices, etc. We still feel her presence, the husband and I. The other night we were talking about the weird stuff that happens that we often say aloud "Got it Barb". I would like to think she would be proud that we have united as a family. That we try to get together often and stay connected. Family was very important to her. As we visited her yesterday and the Peanut was babbling, keeping everyone's spirits from completely tanking, I swallowed back some tears. She would have been head over heels in love with this little lady. She would have chided me for wanting to feed her organic food and being overprotective. She would have probably fed her sweets long before I first did and would have laughed when I told her I wasn't giving her peanut butter until we were in the pediatrician's parking lot. She would fuss at me for being so worried about her not walking yet. This Friday will mark a year of her passing. Keep talking to us Barb, we're always listening. 

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