Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I Jinxed Myself

Two weeks ago I decided to up the Peanut's solid food intake. She was still getting up between 2 and 3 for a bottle and our pedi told us that after 6 months, nutrition wise, a bottle in the middle of the night is not needed. Two days into our new feeding schedule and the Peanut slept through the night. The entire night. No getting up to replace the pacifier at 12 and no getting up at 3:30 for a bottle. It was glorious. This continued until last Thursday night. The Peanut was up every hour or two. Friday, I dragged into work, coffee in hand, and complained about my lack of sleep the night before. A fluke for sure.

Despite an early wake up time Saturday morning, the Peanut resumed her usual all nighters. In fact, I was bragging about it to my coworkers at lunch just yesterday. Well, I pretty much put an "x" on my forehead the moment I said "yes, she sleeps ALL night!" Last night, the Peanut went to bed at normal time but woke up at 11:30pm sobbing. Not the typical whine that comes with losing the pacifier but a cry that screamed "pick me up Mommy". After 3 or 4 rounds of the ABC's song and a little rocking, she fell back asleep in my arms and I put her back in her crib. The same thing happened at 2:30am and again at 5:30am. Why is the Peanut's sleep so disrupted you may ask? Teeth! Two little white caps have appeared in her mouth and are doing their damnedest to break through causing havoc and chaos in my baby's mouth.

I marched into work this morning, coffee in hand, and told my coworkers not to ask me how she's sleeping anymore. I will NOT jinx myself again. Leaping toward the next phase of infant-hood. Teeth!

These chubby cheeks are going to get a whole lot cuter with two little bottom teeth!

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