Friday, January 25, 2013

The One About Money

In any relationship where two people share money there is usually a spender and a saver. One person is trying constantly to save money while the other person is trying desperately to spend money. Oddly, in our marriage that role is a merry go round, transferring back and forth from my husband to myself circuitously. The downside to that is we are usually never on the same page, even when we think we are. Although, to our credit, we have definitely gotten better about this.

Side note: Right now the husband and I are desperately trying to save money for a new house. We outgrew our two bedroom home the day the Peanut came home from the hospital. That means we are closely watching our finances as we're putting as much into savings as humanly possible. If we put anymore in there, we're going to be living off of ramen noodles and hot pockets (hello, college days!).

With that being said, given that I'm the person that handles the finances, I'm much more critical of our spending (mine included) than my husband is, since he doesn't really deal with our money and hasn't really ever. I'm what you'd like to call Type A and while I've offered control of the finances before, my husband knows I might have a coronary (and then he'd be forced to be awake with our child in the middle of the night, every night) and so, alas, it is my burden to carry. So this morning when I logged onto our account and saw a number different than I was expecting, I fired off an email to my husband. He forgot to tell me about a bill he paid. 

This is a poor example of one spending, the other saving but if I had known about said bill I would have suggested paying it in parts (before the due date) instead of all at once so the impact wouldn't be as drastic. But that's life. In a couple of months I'm going to be the spender while he wants to be the saver because I want to go visit a friend in Florida. And airfare ain't cheap, folks.

But on a positive note, I read about the wonderful progress a classmate of mine from high school is making from a traumatic brain injury. If you have some time, check out his wife's blog. A moving story for sure. It certainly put my morning into perspective. And, as always, they could use all of the prayers and good thoughts you can give them!

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